I'm Gerard, A Personal Trainer in Westchester New York

Dedicated to helping others reach their fitness goals and improve their lives

Personal Training In Your Area And Virtually

Thank you for visiting Westchester Trainer. I teach adult men and women how to get in shape and feel better. Designing a program for your unique fitness goals and schedule.

Establish Goals

Understanding your personal fitness goals is the first step. From there I create a program based on your goals.

Follow Program

Next we follow your program every week with assigned homework. We train together and separately .

Get Results

Lastly we stay consistent until reaching your goals. Long term persistence is key to success in any goal.

Recent Work

My individual and small group training has helped hundreds of people increase their strength, decrease their body fat, and tone up. I've recently trained a group of ladies in Armonk NY who have made amazing progress over the past few months since we started.


Individual Home Training

With individual home training you receive one on one support in the privacy of your own home. If you prefer someone instructing you in person and focusing on your individual goals then this could be the right fit for you. 

•  One on one Specialized Attention and Motivation

• Unique Training Program

• Weekly Training Sessions

• PNF Stretches

• Contact Support

• Nutrition Guidance (optional)

• Stress Reduction Strategies (optional) 

Small Group Training

In a small group class setting you and a few select others learn proper exercise technique while having fun. If you prefer a high energy workout environment with your friends, family, or to meet new people group classes are optimal.

• Group Class Attention and Motivation

• Weekly Class Variety

• Fun and High Energy

• Contact Support

• Nutrition Guidance (optional)

• Stress Reduction Strategies (optional)

Virtual Training

Virtual Training is best for those who are location restricted and or favor working out from home especially now due to COVID-19. Virtual training can be done both individually and with classes. It is time and cost efficient and can be done anywhere with internet wifi.   

• Individual/Group Class Attention and Motivation

• Weekly sessions/classes

• Unique Program/class variety

• Contact Support

• Nutrition Guidance (optional)

• Stress Reduction Strategies (optional)

Theatrics Group Class

Theatrics is a small group class designed to be fun and comedic. It is a multi-themed half comedy half fitness group class to make your workouts entertaining. The video above shows a “Housewives Workout Theme” example. To watch more check out Fitness Theatrics on YouTube. 

• Group Class Attention and Motivation

• Extra Fun and Comedic Class Variety

• Weekly Classes

• Contact Support

• Nutrition Guidance (optional)

• Stress Reduction Strategies (optional)

What My Clients Say!

My Fitness Philosophy

Fitness Categories

There are 8 categories in fitness one must be aware of to have a well rounded  program. These 8 categories include:

  1. Strength Training
  2. Flexibility
  3. Cardio Training
  4. Balance Training
  5. Proper Diet and Adequate Water 
  6. Healthy Sleep
  7. Mental Discipline
  8. Theoretical Understanding

Our goal is to help you learn then embody these habits for long term success. 

Balance Is Key

Finding the right balance in fitness and all other areas of life is essential for success and happiness. It is likely that your fitness journey will have ups and downs but when someone is taught fitness knowledge and technique from a trainer, that understanding stays with them for the long run. It is more important to stay consistent for the long run vs the short run.

Learning proper exercise technique and how to follow different workout programs gives you the skills to eventually create flexible workout programs around your schedule. At this stage you will know not only what to do when you workout but more importantly why you do what your doing. With this understanding balancing out your fitness when life gets busy becomes effortless. 

My Niche

Being a personal development enthusiast I find myself sharing interesting information I hope my clients can benefit from. I love studying topics such as psychology, spirituality, social dynamics, and comedy. Perusing my own personal growth path has changed my life so I aspire to change someone else’s for the better if they are open. 

10 years ago a friend introduced me to boxing during a negative period in my life. This lead to diving deeper into fitness and eventually learning about personal growth and developing positive habits. Years later I’ve learned more about life then I can ever image which has changed my perspective for the better. 

Schedule Your Free Fitness Assessment

During a fitness assessment via over the phone, on zoom, or in person I get to know you and your fitness goals. I'll guide you through a quick body weight assessment and will know more about what type of program is best for you from there.

Westchester Personal Trainer

@Copyright 2020

Created By Gerard Vandernoot

All Rights Reserved